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Details: Unlocks Poison Jab Croagunk C-gear theme
Details: Get Reshiram/Zekrom C-Gear skin if you tuck in Reshiram/Zekrom and play with Victini. Reshiram/Zekrom must be obtained from the event. Until May 26, 2012.
Details: Unlocks Minccinno C-Gear skin. For EN, FR, DE, IT, and ES versions.
Details: Unlocks Pikachu C-Gear skin. For EN, FR, DE, IT, and ES versions.
Details: Unlock Munna C-Gear skin. For EN, FR, DE, IT, and ES versions.
Details: Free 60 card deck and avatar item
Details: Get a Free deck of 100 pokemon cards.
Details: Gives you a free arceus to send to your entralink a use it in the game.(until the 2 of june)
Details: Unlocks World Championships C-Gear Skin. For EN, FR, DE, IT, and ES versions. Until Sept 15, 2011